Thursday, December 17, 2009

5 Things I Learned From Online Porn

It always amuses me that people ‘knock’ online porn – especially as it’s such a big money spinner that SOMEONE must be watching it (OK, not you, obviously… but ’someone’). In the UK alone it is estimated to be worth £1bn, and it even has its own trade show which attracts more visitors than the Ideal Home Exhibition, according to its organisers. There’s a lot to be learned from the online adult industry that can be brought into play when promoting your own products or services online.

1) Low Cost production does not mean low production values

The nature of the online adult industry means that in a lot of cases video is produced on a low budget. But despite that, production values remain high, as the video producer knows that the end result matters, and needs to compare with other video productions in the same arena. The porn industry have developed the art of filming quickly and at low cots, but still looking good and giving the customer what they want.

How can you take this on board? You might not have a huge budget, but choose as company with high production values to make sure you get a video that shows you in your best light.

2) Harnessing new technology

Online porn has always been at the forefront of technology – they were the first type of company to have online videos, streaming content and of course pay as you go content. It’s worth keeping an eye on new technologies used, as you can guarantee they’ll be in the mainstream before you know it.

3) Speed of production

With an ever ready audience who get bored easily, the adult industry has to produce new content and services quickly and in rapid succession. Each company knows that if they don’t do this, their competitors will be taking up the slack (and the eyeballs) in no time. It’s good to notice how they achieve this, and put the same speed of production into your own videos (albeit with clothes on!)

4) Ease of access making sure your customers can get your product

Most online porn sites will offer you a range of ways to view their content – stremaing video, still photographs, downloadable videos, video to your phone, and more. They know that their audience comes in all shapes and forms, and cater to all needs. Don’t presume that your audience want the one thing you’re willing to offer – give them choice and they’ll stick with you.

5) Giving away freebie tasters

There is HUGE money in the adult industry, but you’d be hard puched to find a porn site that isn’t giving SOMETHING away for free. It may be freebie pictures of the day, short video tasters, trailers, downloadable documents or more. They know that if they give enough away, you’ll come back and pay for more.

Take this into your own business by thinking about what you can give away for free that will have people knocking down your door to pay for more advanced info?

So, whether we like it or not, there’s a lot to be learned from the online porn industry – and a lot of it can be related to your business. Think about that while you’re NOT accessing any adult sites this week ;)


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sport la ProTV - Corina Caragea

Pentru că este născută pe 31 decembrie, prezenta­toarea Ştirilor PRO TV din sport are mereu un motiv în plus de sărbătoare la cumpăna dintre ani. Iar pentru aniversarea celor 26 de ani, Corina a lăsat zăpada şi gerul din Româ­nia şi s-a dat cu săniuţa în mijlocul deşertului.

“Mi-am petrecut vacanţa de iarnă pe plajă, dar şi pe pîrtie, unde m-am dat cu săniuţa, am fost la cum­pă­rături în cel mai mare mall din lume, dar şi pe patinoar, iar apoi printre rechini, la cel mai mare acvariu din lume. M-am plimbat cu autobuzul printre zgîrie-nori, maca­rale şi moschee, cu un taxi pe apă, dar şi pe cămilă”, po­vesteşte Corina, care a stat o săptămînă în Emiratele Arabe Unite.PROTV Magazin


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Kittie & Charlie’s Kinky Advent Calender: Day 8

Door Number 8: Something every women should own

Dreamgirl Ursula Reversible Corset

Dreamgirl Plus Size Ursula Reversible Corset

I think every woman should own a Corset they make you feel wonderful; especially great for wearing when you are having a day when you are not feeling good about yourself. The tuck you sides in and give you a fantastic hourglass figure whatever size you are! I love wearing mine at this time of year for under sexy christmas dresses and sometimes just wear it out and about just to make me feel sexy, on those days when I dont, and ultimately more confident!

Not only is this Corset my favourite to wear out and about its also reversible with black side and a pink side. This means that if it is peaking out from under your clothes you can make it match with what you are wearing.

I have chosen this one as it’s a great starter Corset and great for you to get an understanding what a corset it and what it can do for you. I was quite intrigued about corsets but quite reluctant at first. Charlie gave me this one as a gift and once I had put it on and felt the confidence and I was convinced they were great and made me feel totally decadent.

You can purchase the Dreamgirl Ursula Reversibe Corset from Lovehoney and is available in sizes 32 to 44 as you should get one which matches your Bra size as the Corsets fit A to D cups. However if you are bigger than a D cup its recommended you go up a size. For offers or voucher codes available at Lovehoney take a look at our ‘Sexy Moneysaving’ page

Kittie and Charlie



Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thank you for coming to our Open House!

On November 24, Centerville Library held an open house for Larry Van Deusen’s “My Global Village” paintings and it was a great success!  Many people came to admire the beautiful artwork and chatted with Mr. Van Deusen.  More than 20 international snacks and drinks were served to celebrate the global theme.  There were dishes from Ireland, Spain, China, India, Israel, Japan, just to name a few.   Children were having fun trying to find the hidden letter in each painting.  Some people stopped at the desk to watch the paintings slideshow.  It was such a nice event!  We would also like to thank our County Librarian Jean Hofacket, and all other library administrators and staff for taking the time from their busy schedule to attend this open house.

But the fun did not end here, if you headed to the meeting room, you would see families and friends were having a good time playing board games, toys, and Wii games together.   

 It was an awesome afternoon at Centerville Library! Thank you all for coming!  Thank you if you brought in the refreshments! Last but not least, a big thank you to all our wonderful teen volunteers!  Without your help, the open house and family game time would not have been so successful.  You are the best!



Sunday, November 29, 2009

Vitiligo or loss of skin pigmentation

Living with Vitiligo

After living many years in hot climates there is going to be undoubtedly some sort of sun damage to the skin. I always took care of my skin and rarely sun bathed. 12 years after returning from the sun drenched beaches we settled back into Europe. That is when I noticed my skin had patches and white circular spots. My first reaction was that it was sun damage, as when the sun is out it becomes more prominent.  I have been diagnosed with Vitiligo which apparently is not sun related!

Due to the embarrassment of having ‘uneven’ skin pigment I decided to do research. The embarrassment has not gone away, but understanding the condition has helped me live with it easier.  The following is what I have found and hope that anyone who has this will learn from it.

What is Vitiligo

Vitiligo is quite a common skin disease which affects at least 1 person in 100 in countries worldwide  regardless of the climate.  Anyone, male or female, irrespective of skin colour or ethnic origin can develop the condition. 


Vitiligo causes the skin, and sometimes the hair, to turn white in patches. Skin contains cells called melanocytes,these cells give the skin its colour. If these cells become damaged or destroyed white patches start to form due to the lack of melanin.  The most common form of vitiligo appears in symmetrical form (generalized vitiligo) affecting both sides of the body.   In some cases only one half of the body is affected (segmental vitiligo).

Can you catch vitiligo?

You cannot catch vitiligo. It is not infectious.  It can cause severe psychological distress, especially when the face, neck, hands and genitals are affected.  Many children and adults have been bullied because of this condition. Children need to understand the implications of bullying children with vitiligo.

Vitiligo is unpredictable.  Some people may not notice a change in their condition for many years, while for others it can spread quite rapidly.  In some cases the white patches can spontaneously re-pigment, particularly in children, though it is rare for the disease to resolve completely without treatment.

What Causes Vitiligo?

There are several theories but nobody is really sure what causes it. Extensive research is being carried out in various centers in different countries to find a solution. We know that the pigment cells do not function properly. My doctor told me that my autoimmune system was attacking my own cells, which is what is the probable cause of my vitiligo.

Other theories of cause are:

  • hereditary
  • thyroid problems
  • Neuronal, where the nerves in the skin are implicated in the damage to pigment cells.
  • Exposure to hydrogen peroxide is toxic to pigment cells.
  • Hormonal change
  • psychological stress
Help! I have a white patch in my hair now

Those who remember the program The Malans, where the lead male earned the title of  ‘The Malan Streak’ will know what I am taking about. I wonder if he had Vitiligo?

Can hair be affected also. The anser is yes. Below is an extract from a case study. We would like to thank for this information.

DYEING HEAD HAIR AFFECTED BY VITILIGO Abstract from the publication “Vitiligo – Understanding the loss of skin colour” by Marion Lesage for the Vitiligo Society (published 2002)

Every authority/manufacturer I have consulted tells me that there is no problem dyeing hair affected by Vitiligo, however people with hair affected by Vitiligo tell a different story!

The best advice I have received so far is from my own hairdresser, who says that a product which contains ammonia is essential to raise the hair cuticle. The ammonia will almost certainly have to stay on the hair for longer than for people who do not have hair affected by Vitiligo. Provided this is done there should not be a problem in getting the Vitiligo hair to accept the dye in the normal way.

Of course the need to use a patch test when trying out this method on yourself is essential. I would strongly recommend that anyone experiencing problems should contact the product manufacturer for advice and ask to speak to the technical department for product development. Only if enough customers do this will the manufacturers become aware of the problem. Then they will not be able to say that the problem does not exist and they may be motivated to do something.

I am going to try the ginseng care serum over the next few months to see if it will make any difference. The properties in is cream has proven to work on skin with eczema, bed sores, cold sores. Let’s see if we can have some kind of break through.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I’m a little alliterative addict, I can’t seem to stop spouting similar starting sounds. It’s  a bit of a bore because before this the thoughts I thought were thoroughly thought through whereas now nothing need notify the slightest semblance of sense as long as its potentially partially prickly to pronounce.

Sorry, about that just a little exercise for me there. Today I’m back down the Baths and whilst I’m sure you all love my Roman anecdotes I have a feeling there’ll be plenty more days where I have nothing else to blog about. So today I’m going to crack open the New Old Friends vault. New Old Friends is the theatre company I run with Josh Golga (follow his tweets), last year we wrote and performed our debut show Mate. It went down well and led to a run in London, which in turn led to the offer of further runs. However, due to the logistical pressures that staging your own work puts you under we declined, returned to Bath for a triumphant finale and left Mate as a pleasant memory.

Josh is now primarily focused on his film work although plans are afoot for something to reunite us creatively. The company keeps moving forward down here in Bath with a regular sketch slot at a cabaret night. I’m currently writing for the December gig, and whilst doing so looking back over past material I realised there is some seriously good stuff in Mate. I thought I’d share one of the edgier skits with you.

Josh – Who would be the weirdest person to have sex with?

Me – Um… Your mum?

J – More unthinkably wrong than weird. No weird would be like Jesus.

M – He’d be awesome in bed! Think about it he’s the son of God.

J –Yeah, and it’d be doubly weird for him because if you got really in to it, and let’s face it you would, you’d start shouting out his dad’s name!

M – That’s good. Really good. Hang on… I think I’ve got a winner. The bloke who does the voice-overs at the cinema.

J – Why’s that weird?

M – Well for a start he’s a disembodied voice. Plus think about it; he’d be doing his thing, then -“Coming soon…ME.”

J – Yeah, that’d be pretty funny. 

There is more after that, but some of the gags rely on prior plot developments and is potentially more offensive than that already written.


Thursday, November 19, 2009



A toast to you for free, you will love will fill you with pleasure

Between here in time for your punheta

Come caress my breasts durinhos

You want to fuck today? Enter here

You either love or make friends from here

Meet people in your city that want sex

Other suggestions

Saturday, November 14, 2009

bondage, pain and freaky shit

Are you into real kinky freaky, kinky bondage type stuff? Well let us reccomend a community that you might be interested in. The largest online community of bondage and kinky sex lovers can be found at

They boast over 900,000 members and they all love the same crazy bdsm shit you do! You can read personals, forums and discuss erotica, kink and all things bondage. Check it out and find someone to tie up tonight!

click banner to check out

go back home

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Jewish Marriage Traditions

A modern Orthodox Jewish couple, preparing for a religious wedding meets with their rabbi for counseling.

The rabbi asks if they have any last questions before they leave.

The man asks,” Rabbi, we realize it’s tradition for men to dance with men, and women to dance with women at the reception. But, we’d like your permission to dance together, like the rest of the world.”

“Absolutely not,” says the rabbi.” It’s immodest. Men and women always dance separately.”

“So after the ceremony I can’t even dance with my own wife?”

“No,” answered the rabbi.” It’s forbidden.”

“Well, okay,” says the man,” What about sex? Can we finally have sex?”

“Of course!” replies the rabbi. “Sex is a mitzvah a good thing within marriage, to have children!”

“What about different positions?” asks the man.

“No problem,” says the rabbi “It’s a mitzvah!”

“Woman on top?” the man asks.

“Sure,” says the rabbi. “Go for it! It’s a mitzvah!”

“Doggy style?”

“Sure! Another mitzvah!”

“On the kitchen table?”

“Yes, yes! A mitzvah!”

“Can we do it on rubber sheets with a bottle of hot oil, a couple of vibrators, a leather harness, a bucket of honey and a porno video?”

“You may indeed. It’s all a mitzvah!”

“Can we do it standing up?”

“No.” says the rabbi.”

“Why not” asks the man?

“It could lead to dancing!”

Sunday, November 8, 2009

huge boobs, really really huge boobs!


you'll poke your eye out kid

We have a question—–Have you ever met someone who said “yeah, I’m not really into boobs” and wondered,  who doesn’t like boobs, who doesn’t like huge ridiculously large boobs?

We know the answer—–Someone who has never squeezed a pair of humungaloid tits, thats who.

The next time you see that person, go ahead and kick em in the balls for us.

The Huge Boobs Galore website should satisfy your big balloon fetish. We saw some of the largest tits ever on this site and the way they bounced up and down gave us major wood. Well, actually we weren’t really looking at eachothers junk, but based on the bulge in…….nevermind, check out the site for yourself!

check out huge boobies

big tit videos

go back home

Thursday, November 5, 2009

X-rated Katamari Damacy

If you guys remember from my earlier post of how I stumbled upon the discovery of ‘Dead Fantasy’ videos. If you guys knew or understood how I felt, this is the same feeling I got when I have found something so hidden and fantastic! Here, I thank the guy who has invented the internet!

Not many people in the world knew what Katamari Damacy is, but I’m sure that most of the gamer know what it is. Its tuneful, mellow music and the joy of rolling the ‘garbage’ ball, has captured millions of hearts yet, I knew that this game always has a ‘darker’ side to the facade.

I’m glad that someone has the same view as me (but obviously better at animation). Please see after the break the sinister, dark and unadulterated katamari damacy as you have never seen before!

Video Games | Once Upon a Pixel | Katamari Damacy HD XBox 360 | Playstation 3 | Nintendo Wii

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Honeys' Place

As a family business we have a long history of keeping you, our cutomser in mind. We are one of the nation’s largest “full line distributors”. Offering everything from the major manufacturer’s to a very large selection of the smaller “boutique” lines of product and anything in between. With our professional, customer service oriented sales team, we offer you the very best there is to offer in an Adult Wholesale Distributor! Thank you for visiting our blog. Please enjoy shopping with us and feel free to contact your a sales representative with any questions or assistance you may need. We appreciate your business and your continued support.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Playboy – October 2009 / Poland (Anna Mucha)

Playboy – October 2009 / Poland (Anna Mucha)
Polish | 22 pages | PDF | 23 Mb

Playboy Poland edition is made especially for you with the issues and items that make it the most readable men’s magazine in the world with the unique beauty of Poland women inside.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

MuckBoots Adult Daily Garden Shoe

MuckBoots Adult Daily Garden Shoe

Keep your feet comfortable while tackling light gardening projects with the MuckBoots Adult Daily Shoe. These 100-percent waterproof, shoes have a stylish, sleek, streamlined design that’s versatile enough to wear as a casual daytime shoe, but they’re designed especially with outdoor work in mind. They feature durable, natural rubber uppers; an insulated shell that will keep your feet warm and dry in the winter as well as cool and comfortable in the warmer months; an extra-comfortable, lined footbed with moisture-control lining; and an easy-to-clean, dirt-resistant exterior. The unisex shoe is perfect for gardening, farm work, walking on the beach or playing at the park.
Reviews from Customers

I take the dog out for a walk every day…about 2 miles. I figure I walked about 2000 miles in my first pair of Muck shoes, all on blacktop, before the soles finally gave out. I immediately bought another pair.

I wear them on hot summer nights and in rain, slush, snow and single digit temperatures.

Super comfortable, warm in winter, cool in summer and totally waterproof. I especially like just being able to step into them. I’m about to buy a pair of taller boots from Muck boots for when the snow’s a little deeper.My highest recommendation.. Not the greatest looking shoe in the world, but in my opinion, by far the most practical, comfortable shoe on the market.

“Best garden shoes EVER!”
These are the best garden shoes ever. They are so easy to slip on and off, they stay on even my narrow heeled foot, which is usually a problem for me, and are as waterproof as they are claimed to be. They seem very sturdy, and will really last. I would recommend these to anyone who wants a comfortable, waterproof very well made shoe.

“Garden Shoes”
I have had a pair of MuckBoots for years and know that the quality is great. So I purchased this pair as a Christmas gift for my Mom. The only challenge was the sizing. When I initially ordered them they only had unisex sizing…so when I received them they were men’s size. When I looked it up again, the sizing had been changed to reflect men’s/women’s. I reordered and they were a perfect fit. My Mom loves them!

See all detials of MuckBoots Adult Daily Garden Shoe


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Milf Next Door At It's Best

Milf Next Door At It’s Best

We spent a whole day at the office complex trying to find a milfand we were ready to give up until we saw jasmine. she was coming down the skyway in thisamazing business suit that was showing off her cleavage. you could even see a little of thered bra that was holding back those tasty melons. she was on the way to get some lunchwhen we came along.…Join here!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Banana - 18 Year Old – Under Boob Cleavage – Nuff Said

Factoid: A banana is the most unique of all fruit because unlike any other fruit it does not come from trees. Instead it comes from giant herbs plants and are related to lily and orchid family.

Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 and are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. Lack of B6 in a diet can cause weakness, irritability and insomnia. The potassium found in bananas reduces the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. Unless of course your wife or girlfriend’s sister looks like this » » » » » »

Potassium is also essential for helping muscles to contract properly during exercise and reduces cramping. Think about a time when you wouldn’t want to cramp up.

A medium-sized banana provides 400 mg of potassium – 11% of daily value and contains 110 calories with 4 grams of fiber. Bananas also contain plenty of carbohydrates which are the body’s main source of energy. They are also easy to digest.

Research also shows that serotonin and norepinephrine in bananas may naturally help sufferers overcome depression. They are the good mood food. Especially if it’s a man watching a girl eat a banana.


Bananas are good for making babies… ur… uh… I meant babies, bananas are good for actual babies.

Green tipped bananas should be selected for cooking or ripening, yellow ones should be selected for eating and brown-specked ones should be selected for baking breads, muffins and cookies. As the bananas ripen, they will taste sweeter because the starch in the fruit will turn to sugar. Store your bananas on the counter at room temperature until they reach the ripeness you desire. The peel of the fruit will darken in the refrigerator but the banana inside will remain firm and delicious. To ripen a banana faster, place it in a brown paper bag with an apple or tomato overnight.

Fun Challenge Of The Day:
(be sure to post comment about your experience) Next time you get turned down for something reply by saying:
So I guess a blowjob in the parking lot is out of the question.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Getting Back Into the Dating Scene

Anna had lost her husband almost four years ago. Her daughter was constantly calling her and urging her to get back into the world. Finally, Anna said she’d go out, but didn’t know anyone.

Her daughter immediately replied, “Mom I have someone for you to meet.”

Well, it was an immediate hit. They took to one another and after dating for six weeks, he asked her to join him for a weekend in Vermont.

Their first night there, she undressed as he did. There she stood nude, except for a pair of black lacy panties; he was in his birthday suit.

Looking her over, he asked, “Why the black panties?”

She replied: “My breasts you can fondle, my body is yours to explore, but down there I am still mourning.”

He knew he was not getting lucky that night.

The following night was the same — she stood there wearing the black panties, and he was in his birthday suit — but now he was wearing a black condom.

She looked at him and asked: “What’s with the black condom?”

He replied, “I want to offer my deepest condolences!”

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sport för dig, porr för mig

Idag börjar TV-serien I Zlatans fotspår på SVT. Naturligtvis kommer jag att titta (på webb-tv).
Inte för att jag är det minsta intresserad av vem som kan tänkas gå i Zlatans enorma fotspår. Nej nej. Jag vill bara se honom. Och höra honom säga smarta saker. Vacker man. Vacker dialekt. Lång och gänglig. Aaah.
Fotboll är för mig vad pornografi är för dig.
Andra män i min ålder och position har en mapp som de har döpt till “XXX” i datorn. Jag har en mapp som jag har döpt till “Fotboll”.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What the Fuck’s Up with Chuck asks THE GoToNegro

Dear GTN,

I was recently involved with a guy. In the beginning he was so sweet and good to me, however the moment we slept together he became a complete asshole. He would say mean things and blow me off, etc.

We decided to just be friends. So, even though I’m still kind of hung up on him, I decided I would “fake it” til I “make it” and just pretend I didn’t care about him. Almost immediately he began being all sweet and nice to me again.

WTF? Is he screwing with me on purpose? Are there rules to these mind games I should know about?


What the Fucks Up with Chuck



Dear Up Chuck,

 You done fucked up. This is classic “keep the booty call at arms length” behavior. And you, my dear, have gotten yourself put on the “Fuck Buddy” list.

 You have gotten yourself caught in the mental masturbation that men put themselves through trying to figure out, “How can I tap that ass, kick her to the curb but still have an open invitation to the drunk dial hookup the next Saturday night I’m contemplating dating Rosie?”  Unless you’re Jack Nicholson and have sold your soul to the devil for use of a spell that makes young girls forget that your are an ancient, balding, overweight, letch, who’s relevance ended with the first run of the bell bottom, you have no hope of pulling this off correctly. No matter how fly a guy you think you are. Ask Charlie Sheen.

 Now, I have nothing against the “Fuck Buddy System” as long as all parties involved are on the same page. Clearly you are in a completely different library.

 Your “fake it til you make it” attitude is commendable. But, you and I both know it never works at anything except your nerves. If you keep hanging around this guy that you are still “hung up on” you are going to end up buried in a Tyrannosaurus Rex size pile of shit with nothing but a plastic spork.

 You need to break all ties with this game player, unless Russian Roulette is something you enjoy. If you are looking for Prada shoes you don’t shop at Home Depot. Don’t try and pursue a meaningful relationship with someone who is emotionally empty to you.


Send me YOUR questions:

Leave me a comment..or are you ascared!?!?!?!?!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sweet child - Violent adult

A British study found a disturbing link between sweets consumption in childhood and violent behavior in adulthood. Although they could not yet explain the mechanism behind this relationship, researchers say that it is there.
The study, conducted at Cardiff University, involved 17,500 people and is the first to explore the relationship between diet followed in childhood and aggressive behavior in adulthood.

Results showed that children who, at the age of 10 years, ate sweets daily, had a significantly higher risk to suffer convictions for violence up to the age of 34 years.
69% of those who had such convictions had consumed sweets almost every day when they were kids, while only 42% of non-violent had a similar diet.
The relationship was significant even after removing other factors such as parents’ behavior, the area from which the participants came from, lack of education after the age of 16 years and owning a car.
So far, researchers have discovered an explanation of the link. One hypothesis suggests that children who are given sweets daily learn not to delay getting a reward, they get used to head straight off what they want, develop an impulsive behavior, and if they do not get what they want, easily lose themselves and assigns violent impulses.
An alternative explanation is that to aggressive, unruly and difficult children, parents give more sweets to calm them.
Finally, a third hypothesis suggests installing a dependent of certain additives present in sweets, which leads to aggressive behavior in adulthood.
The conclusions of the study have been criticized by Julian Hunt, communications director of the Food and Drink Federation (FDF), but Professor Simon Moore, who led the project, said it is convinced that there was a relationship between high consumption of sweets in childhood and later aggressive comportment and that researchers efforts will focus on the discovery of this relationship mechanism.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dear Patrick Ness,

The Knife of Never Letting Go – Patrick Ness – 496 pages

To Todd, life seems simple.  He knows that the Noise germ caused men’s thoughts to be as loud as voices.  He knows that same germ killed all the women on New World, including his mother.  He knows that the Specks who released the germ all died in the war, and that in a month’s time he will turn thirteen and become a man.  Then, when Todd and his dog Manchee stumble upon a spot of silence in the Noise, everything he thought he knew will change forever.

Sometimes a book just pulls you in and eats you up and breaks you into a million pieces and spits you back out again feeling like you’ve been run over by a truck except you really liked being run over by that truck.  The Knife of Never Letting Go is one of those books.  I knew it was going to be something special from the first few pages, and tonight I just barreled through the last three quarters of it like my life depended on finding out what happened next.  And it sort of did.  Once again, I was Bastian sitting in the attic of the school.  I sobbed like the world was ending and had to take the book with me to the bathroom (poo, Todd?) because I couldn’t put it down, and I feel wrung dry and tied in knots and changed.

I’m starting to ramble.  Let me try to reel it in.  Your premise isn’t quite like anything I’ve read before, which is a miracle unto itself.  You’ve crafted something unique and frightening that’s strengthening at the same time, which is how books about such strife should be.  Also, you get automatic points for writing in the present tense–I LOVE present tense writing with more enthusiasm than seems entirely necessary.  On top of all that, your characters (especially Todd and Manchee) are so intensely real to me.  You’ve captured a huge variety of ways in which men could react to such bizarre circumstances–the coldly evil Mayor, the lunatic preacher, the hotheaded Cillian and kindhearted Ben who were ready to die to protect their adopted son from the town’s darkness…it’s a frighteningly plausible world.  I could almost hate you for the cliff you’ve left me hanging over, except that one of my delightful friends is going to loan me an ARC of the sequel, so that I don’t die of waiting.  You’ve done something spectacular, and I thank you for it.  Five effing stars.


Wanna check out this title for yourself?  Try the Indie Bound or ABC bookstore finders!

Books this year: 97

Pages this year: 19,402

Having to replace members who quit is a thing of the past!

Did you know business opportunities soar in slow & recession economies? It’s true. . . people look for ways to make more money than ever if they believe their income or assets are in jeopardy.

So. . . if you think like 95% of the people out there you will have what 95% of the people out there have – Don’t be one of them – get involved and make some serious money with this opportunity.

I do a lot of things on the net – A LOT – and one of the things I do best is find great programs for you to profit quickly from! This is one of those programs!

I think it’s important for you to realize exactly why I like this program so much…

What do I have in mind? A revolutionary new service which has the potential to change the way you do business in the 21st century. This new service has been carefully crafted to meet the needs of professionals in your field.

I can’t even remember how hard it used to be trying to figure out how to market my own website to get new members…

Feeling like I was doing everything on my own…

Nobody helping me…the broken promises of “spillover”…

None of my members duplicating my effort…

Having to replace members who quit is a thing of the past! Who in their right mind would quit with all our member savings and a growing team all working together to help our newer members!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

book to movie: the host

most avid readers and twilight fans have already heard the news that stephenie meyer’s novel “the host” has been given the okay to become a movie.  check out stephenie meyer’s website for more information.  here’s her post:

I’m so excited to be working with Nick Weschler, and Steve and Paula Mae Schwartz to bring The Host to a visual format. They’ve all been a dream to work with, so lovely and collaborative, and I feel like we’re in a really good place to make a great movie together. And then to have Andrew Niccol writing and directing? Truly awesome. If you’ve never seen Gattaca, go watch it now. One of my favorite movies of all time. It’s such a great example of character driven science fiction, which is ideal for The Host, no? I’m having an absolute blast imagining different dream casts, which I would post if people didn’t take my silly blogs so seriously these days. I’m looking forward to seeing the cast lists you come up with in the fansite forums, and if any of them match mine.

So, very exciting. Yay Host!


at first i was like “oh neat, guess i should go see that”.  then i started to recall the story and got really excited.  i remember the beginning grabbing my interest then the last 100 pages or so being crazy suspenseful that i was flipping the pages in a maniacal blur.  but the rest of the book was slow going to me:  reading about Wanderer wandering around the desert and her experiences in the caves with unbody-snatched people…yeah, pretty cool but i just wasn’t clicking with it.  but in movie form????  hellz yeah!  i can’t help but think that a movie with help add some umph to the story as they take some liberties with it.  maybe condense what happens in the caves so it’s more like “bam! bam! bam! stuff’s happening all over the place!”.  i’ll be there to watch it.  and meyer tends to take her book to movie transitions very seriously as you can tell from her post, so i’ll bet the movie has something spectacular to offer even if the book was not the ish.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Akinator - Geniul Web

Cu ceva timp in urma am dat pe internet peste un site foarte interesant care trebuie sa recunosc mi-a creat putina dependenta prima data cand am dat de el pentru ca mi se parea o inteligenta artificiala foarte bine construita. Deci vi-l prezint si dumneavoastra pe Akinator.
Akinator te pune sa te gandesti la o persoana – poate fi un coleg, iubita ta, o pesoana din istorie, o persoana dintr-o poveste, un actor, o persoana dintr-un film, serial, anime, desene animate, etc. Apoi Akinator iti pune cateva intrebari la care ar trebui sa raspunzi corect si din cateva intrebari isi da seama la cine te gandesti. Deci vreau sa va spun ca inteligenta asta artificiala e uimitoare…l-a dat pe fratele meu pe spate cand si-a dat seama din cateva intrebari ca se gandeste la Pinochio.
Mai departe o sa va arat si procesul prin care Akinator a ghicit ca ma gandeam la Scufita Rosie.

Dupa cum vezi Akinator iti da 5 raspunsuri din care sa alegi:
1. Yes – Da
2. Probably/Partially – Probabil/Partial
3. I don’t know – Nu stiu
4. Probably not/Not really – Probabil ca nu/Nu chiar
5. No – Nu

Prima intrebare a fost daca persoana este reala si bineinteles am raspuns cu nu.

A doua intrebare a fost daca persoana este de gen feminin si am raspuns cu Da. Din nefericire imaginea de mai sus nu este prea clara.

A treia intrebare a fost daca aceasta persoana lupta. Am raspuns cu Nu.

A patra intrebare a fost daca persoana este dintr-un anime. Iarasi am raspuns cu Nu.

A cincea intrebare a fost daca persoana este americana. Raspunsul a fost iarasi Nu.

A sasea intrebare a fost daca persoana este japoneza. Si iarasi un Nu categoric.

A saptea intrebare a fost daca persoana are parul negru. Acum am vazut-o asa in copertile cartilor pentru copii, dar nefiind sigur am raspuns cu Nu stiu.

A opta intrebare a fost daca aceasta persoana este indragostita de cineva. Inca o victorie pentru raspunsul Nu. Daca joci prea mult jocul asta te poate face cam negativist.

A noua intrebare a fost daca persoana este adulta. Nu, nu, nu, nu…Give me a break would you…Nu stii nimic.

A zecea intrebare a fost daca persoana este legata de culoarea rosie. Bineinteles desteptule. De aia se numeste Scufita Rosie. Deci a inceput sa isi dea seama la a zecea intrebare. Nu prea rau nu-i asa? Avand in vedere la cate persoane te puteai gandi? Acum mai pune cateva intrebari pentru a fi sigur. Bineinteles nu mai trebuie sa spun ca am raspuns cu Da la aceasta intrebare.

Ok. A unsprezecea intrebare a fost daca persoana poarta o palarie sau ceva asemanator. Si bineinteles  am raspuns cu Da.

A doisprezecea intrebare a fost daca persoana are un mare talent artistic. Si raspunsul a fost Nu. vezi si sa nu crezi, doamnelor si domnilor, Akinator a ajuns la inca un raspuns corect si este asa de fericit – Scufita rosie. Yeah, you guessed again you smart ass. Way to go.

Pentru cine vrea sa se distreze putin aceasta este adresa – Akinator. Bye-Bye.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bill O'Reilly, Fox News Christian Sexual Harassment Charges Public Record

The Christian Bill O’Reilly of Fox News had a lawsuit filed against him for sexual harassment by Plantiff Andrea Mackris.  At the time of his actions, Bill O’Really (the Christian) was married and his wife was expecting a child.

One night, according to court papers, Bill O’Reilly called Andrea Mackris and told her he was watching a porn movie and babbled perversely regarding his fantasies concerning Carribean vacations because, purportedly: “Once people get into that hot weather they shed their inhibitions, you know they drink during the day, they lay there lazy, they have dinner and then they come back and fool around….that’s basically the modus operandi.”.

Item 78 of the public document.

During the course of his monologue, Defendant Bill O’Reilly further stated:

“Well, if I took you down there then I’d want to take a shower with you right away, that would be the first thing I’d do… yeah, we’d check into the room, and we would order up some room service and uh and you’d definitely get two wines into you as quickly as I could get into you I would get’em into you… maybe intravenously, get those glasses of wine into you…

You would basically be in the shower and then I would come in and I’d join you and you would have your back to me and I would take that little loofa thing and kinda’ soap up your back… rub it all over you, get you to relax, hot water… and um… you know, you’d feel the tension drain out of you and uh you still would be with your back to me then I would kinda’ put my arm  it’s one of those mitts, those loofa mitts you know, so I got my hands in it…and I would put it around front, kind rub your tummy a little bit with it, and then with my other hand I would start to massage your boobs, get your nipple really hard…’cuz I like that and you have really spectacular boobs….

So, anyway, I’d be rubbing your big boobs and getting yoru nipples really hard, kinda’ kissing your neck from behind… and then I would take the other hand with the falafel (sic) things and I’d put it on your pussy but you’d have to do it really light, just kind of a tease business….”

Isn’t it odd that Bill O’Reilly, the Fox News Christian that keeps telling everyone else about morals and having those half dressed girls on his show as an attempt to condemn such actions, is a man that was so deeply involved in several sexually perverted things?

I would encourage people to check out the sexual complaint document for which Bill O’Reilly settled out of court for several millions dollars.  Wonder why he settled out of court?  Yes, he was likely guilty.  Andrea Mackris even had some witnesses to these events, oh…isn’t it ironic how so many Christians claim to be moral and condemn others for doing exactly what they did or even less?

Check out more about Bill O’Reilly at:

Bill O’Reilly, why don’t you want to discuss this matter and come clean.  Tell us all about the time you lost your virginity or maybe the time you were with that young brown skin girl overseas….was she of legal age, Bill O’Reilly?  How did you wife take all the news of you doing such things, especially when she was carrying your child?

I think we should continue to report of the immoral behavior of Bill O’Reilly each time he wants to attack other people for moral issues.

Seems fair to me, does it to you Bill O’Reilly.