Dear GTN,
I was recently involved with a guy. In the beginning he was so sweet and good to me, however the moment we slept together he became a complete asshole. He would say mean things and blow me off, etc.
We decided to just be friends. So, even though I’m still kind of hung up on him, I decided I would “fake it” til I “make it” and just pretend I didn’t care about him. Almost immediately he began being all sweet and nice to me again.
WTF? Is he screwing with me on purpose? Are there rules to these mind games I should know about?
What the Fucks Up with Chuck
Dear Up Chuck,
You done fucked up. This is classic “keep the booty call at arms length” behavior. And you, my dear, have gotten yourself put on the “Fuck Buddy” list.
You have gotten yourself caught in the mental masturbation that men put themselves through trying to figure out, “How can I tap that ass, kick her to the curb but still have an open invitation to the drunk dial hookup the next Saturday night I’m contemplating dating Rosie?” Unless you’re Jack Nicholson and have sold your soul to the devil for use of a spell that makes young girls forget that your are an ancient, balding, overweight, letch, who’s relevance ended with the first run of the bell bottom, you have no hope of pulling this off correctly. No matter how fly a guy you think you are. Ask Charlie Sheen.
Now, I have nothing against the “Fuck Buddy System” as long as all parties involved are on the same page. Clearly you are in a completely different library.
Your “fake it til you make it” attitude is commendable. But, you and I both know it never works at anything except your nerves. If you keep hanging around this guy that you are still “hung up on” you are going to end up buried in a Tyrannosaurus Rex size pile of shit with nothing but a plastic spork.
You need to break all ties with this game player, unless Russian Roulette is something you enjoy. If you are looking for Prada shoes you don’t shop at Home Depot. Don’t try and pursue a meaningful relationship with someone who is emotionally empty to you.
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