Saturday, January 30, 2010

Usher Syndrome

Information about Usher Syndromes. You want to know what is that mean. I am giving you the links.

Usher Syndrome

Information About Usher Syndrome

Night Blindness:

* Can’t see when coming in from bright sunlight

* Trips over things when light changes or light is dim

* Stays near a light in a dark room or at night

* Moves a speaker so light falls on face

* May express a desire to enter a room before it is darkened (movie theater, etc.)

* Avoids conversations in a darkened area

* When walking along a road at night, may appear to stagger or lose balance after an oncoming car has passed

* Has problems reading under some lights or in dimly lit areas

Glare sensitive:

* Squints and shades eyes in bright lights or fluorescent lighting – complains that the light hurts his/her eyes

* Likes to wear sunglasses even in buildings, but especially in bright sunlight

* Avoids participating in outdoor sports when the sun is very bright

* May appear awkward when exiting from the inside to the outside of a building (when faced with bright light)

Needs contrast:

* Has difficulty reading light copies or ditto copies

* Often spills when pouring liquids

* Can’t see stars at night

Restricted field:

* Startles easily

* Seems to hold eyes in a different direction when looking at some things (because of islands of vision)

* Turns head while reading across a page

* Uses finger to mark place while reading

* Can’t find small objects that have been dropped

* Fails to glance at another person’s handwaving from the side

* Bumps into people, tables, and chairs

* Stumbles on stairs and curbs

* Is quiet in a large group or may edge him/herself to one side when placed in a group

* Frequently fails to understand or misses groups instruction. Often relies on friends for information

* May appear to ignore others standing by his/ her side

* Prefers conversation at distances of 4 to 6 ft.

Problems with visual acuity:

* Holds book close to eyes, or bends to read

* Places face close to desk while writing

* Sits near blackboard

Balance problems:

* Can’t ride a bicycle

* Is considered clumsy

* Loses balance easily in the dark


* Frequently last in completing group activities

* Exhibits symptoms of anxiousness in new areas

* Often last to enter the room

* May have some repetitive behavior (seems to do the same things in the same ways, or continues to order the same things at lunch)

* May choose to stay home alone rather than be faced with the embarrassment of dealing with a new situation in the dark

* May appear unconcerned and may fail to fully participate in groups activities

* Frequently hesitates at the top or bottom of stairs (for orientation)

* Avoids walking or running in unfamiliar areas, especially when there is bright sunlight or when in a darkened area

* Appears to be constantly visually scanning a group

Hearing Loss in Usher Syndrome

Type l

* Children are born profoundly deaf or with just a little hearing in the low tones at loud levels of sound.

* Most but not all state that hearing aids help only a little or not at all.

* Some young children are showing benefit from cochlear implants.

The list is exactly what I was doing in the past. That is why my option for cochlear implant to hear. This is help me balance and hear better. I’m plan to get bilateral cochlear implants after my childbirth.

My goal for Retinitis Pigmentosa can cure by stem cell research or retinal implant. Because I don’t want to get blind in the future. I’m still take an Eye Vitamin supplements from Ocuvite® Lutein Eye Vitamin and Mineral Supplements . This is helping me postpone the blinds in late 40’s to 60’s. Now, I can’t take this supplement during pregnancy. That’s not good for my baby. I am taking a prenatal with DHA and Omega-3. The DHA with Omega-3 is helping us healthy in brains and eyes. After my childbirth and will take my precious Eyes vitamin supplements again. I will never give it up.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

MLA 101 up and running, + Senior Project Blues

I updated MLA 101, but I’ve noticed that the format is a little funny on the final page.  I’ll continue to tweak that until I find a format that works.  If there are any errors you note, please email me at .  I was finally promoted to work on this page when I noticed a surge in people visiting that page.  That was exciting to see.

I’ve been working on my novel as part of my senior project, as stated before.  Though I just started working on this as my senior project last semester, I have worked on this novel for close to a year.  Since then, it has been revamped so many times, and I haven’t even made it to chapter three.  I enjoy the editing process, which is why I want to get into editing after college.  I’m a little disappointed in myself.  I had so many ideas pumped into this novel, and now I have to cut some pieces out, get rid of some characters or plot elements.  It brings me down, but I seek solace in the idea I’m making this novel better.

I’m in a Young Adult Lit class this semester, which has been really good for me on my senior project.  The class is taught with education majors in mind, but the professor (also my S.P. advisor) also discusses elements of young adult novels while explaining how to properly teach the material.  For example, we recently read the novel ‘Speak’ and discussed how this book shines a light on a topic rarely discussed (rape) while, at the same time, people who haven’t been raped can connect with Melinda’s character.  Sorry if I just spoiled the book for you.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Nerdfighter Rant

btt2Who’s your favorite author that other people are NOT reading? The one you want to evangelize for, the one you would run popularity campaigns for? The author that, so far as you’re concerned, everyone should be reading–but that nobody seems to have heard of. You know, not JK Rowling, not Jane Austen, not Hemingway–everybody’s heard of them. The author that you think should be that famous and can’t understand why they’re not…

Most of the authors I read have a big fanbase. I still think more should read John Green’s books though and check out his video channel. He writes some of the funniest, real life books that make teens feel like an adult author understands them without making them look inferior. I get absorbed in his work and usually finish in a day or too because they are so hard to quite reading.

My reviews will now include an image of the cover, details of the book, letter grade rating, quotes and finally age rating.

  • Paperback: 336 pages
  • Publisher: Anchor (May 6, 2008)
  • Language: English

Summary- From Amazon

Set in a future where urbanites are segregated by strict curfews into Daytimers and Nighttimers, the narrative unfolds as an oral history comprising contradictory accounts from people who knew Buster. These include childhood friends horrified by the boy’s macabre behavior (getting snakes, scorpions and spiders to bite him and induce instant erections; repeatedly infecting himself with rabies), policemen and doctors who had dealings with the rabies “superspreader”; and Party Crashers, thrill-seeking Nighttimers who turn city streets into demolition derby arenas. After liberally infecting his hometown peers with rabies, Buster hits the big city and takes up with the Party Crashers. A series of deaths lead to a police investigation of Buster (long-since known as “Rant”—the sound children make while vomiting) that peaks just as Buster apparently commits suicide in a blaze of car-crash glory.

Grade:92/100 A-


There a gory tone to it. It looks like a human heart which fits with one bit of the story and the whole question of morality, death, and immorality that seems to drive the ending bit of the story.

Characters 18/20

Being an oral history, this book is character driven. Most, if not all , of the characters in this are really bizarre. You have Rant himself that allows himself to be bitten many times for the thrill of it and then gets others sick from rabies. Through the words of others, the readers starts the journey of Rant’s life. The reader meets his mother and father, friends, lovers, and even an enemies. Like Rant, the characters are all in no way normal. There is one girl that has a deformed arm who dated Rant at a time. There are the crazy drivers that drive around hitting other cars. Then there is Rant’s family, which the the most bizarre bunch in the work. Everything seems to either stem from or connect to rant in some way or another. Its interesting seeing how all the lives of these individuals connect through him. I can’t say I really liked any of them but they were interesting to read about.

There are a lot of character, and even though he tells you who is talking, but each has his or her own voice. THey all have certain things about their the way they talk or what they are willing to share that makes them stand out from the others. It seems he doesn’t fall into the what some authors of having too many characters that sound exactly the same. His characters are all different and interesting in their own way.

Story 19/20

All of his work is very odd at times, but by far this is the oddest. There is some mysterious time travel elements which actually all work out in the end and the last bit of the book where it connects to now makes the book for me. It’s an interesting ride. Each of characters share their lives and views on the Rant and the world they live in. Even though they all connect to him , their lives all connect in some ways with one another. While at times there are some out of this world situations, the author makes it work and very interesting.

Writing 19/20

Chuck has a way with glimmers of insight. He is know for his crude and very weird stories filled with characters that seem to go over the fabric of reality. This book is no different. What I liked best about his writing is how it makes you think, least some of it. There are these wonderful one liners and lines that make you lay the book aside for a bit and have to agree or make some reaction to it. The other bits are bizarre and don’t always make logical sense, but that is the idea. He goes out of the way to not write your normal every day book. After reading the characters, story, or both leaves a memory. These details make him one of my favorite writers.

Overall 18/20

The story is twisted and bizarre. There is some time travel elements that while may not seem logical work in the story. The characters are interesting and very strange. What goes on with them and Rant really make you wonder about mortality, immorality, and death. It also shades light on how lives of so many can be touched by one mad man and changed forever. Overall a good read.

Quotes/Writing Style

Each holiday tradition acts as an exercise in cognitive development, a greater challenge for the child. Despite the fact most parents don’t recognize this function, they still practice the exercise.

Rant also saw how resolving the illusions is crucial to how the child uses any new skills.

A child who is never coached with Santa Claus may never develop an ability to imagine. To him, nothing exists except the literal and tangible.

A child who is disillusioned abruptly, by his peers or siblings, being ridiculed for his faith and imagination, may choose never to believe in anything- tangible or intangible- again. To never trust or wonder.

But a child who relinquishes the illusions of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy, that child may come away with the most important skill set. That child may recognize the strength of his own imagination and faith. He will embrace the ability to create his own reality. That child becomes his own authority. He determines the nature of his world. His own vision. And by doing so, by the power of his example, he determines the reality of the other two types: those who can’t imagine, and those who can’t trust.

Beginning with Santa Claus as a cognitive exercise, a child is encouraged to share the same idea of reality as his peers. Even if that reality is patently invented and ludicrous, belief is encouraged with gifts that support and promote the common cultural lies.

The greatest consensus in modern society is our traffic systems. The way a flood of strangers can interact, sharing a path, almost all of them traveling without incident. It only takes one dissenting driver to create anarchy

“You grow up to become living proof of your parents’ limitations. Their less-than masterpiece.”

“We all have this moment, when your folks first see you as someone not growing up to be them.”

“What if reality is nothing but some disease?”

“The big reason why folks leave a small town,’ Rant used to say, ‘is so they can moon over the idea of going back. And the reason they stay put is so they can moon about getting out.’

Rant meant that no one is happy, anywhere.”

“Beginning with Santa in infancy, and ending with the Tooth Fairy as the child acquires adult teeth. Or, plainly put, beginning with all the possibility of childhood, and ending with an absolute trust in the national currency.”

Age rating 16 and older

Drugs/ Alcohol: Some drinking, mention of drugs 16/20

Sex- It isn’t too detailed but there is one scene of forced sex, talk of sexual acts and use of sexual devices. 15/20

General cussing- There is quite a bit of cussing but fits the characters and doesn’t take away from the story. 18/20


Sunday, January 17, 2010

American Terrorists Exploiting Half Naked Women

Below is a list of highly active terrorists operating in America today.

Terrorist – a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes in tightly controlled group; often uses religion as a cover; always seeks mass media attention to disseminate their "message".

  • Bill O’Reilly
  • Rush Limbaugh
  • Sarah Palin
  • Glenn Beck
  • Dick Cheney
  • Georgia Alisyn
  • Sean Hannity
  • Pat Robertson
  • Ann Coulter
  • Fox News whoring out women to entice young men into listening to their hate mongering messages.
  •  ed-donahey008

    You can’t tell me she didn’t know her ass out for the world to see.  

    fncfeb315me444 (1)Peeking    ed-donahey003  Untitled-1 copylaurie-dhue  

    I’m not complaining, but her husband sure as hell should be.


    Saturday, January 16, 2010

    Dear S.E. Hinton,

    Some of Tim’s Stories – S.E. Hinton – 160 pages

    “…a profound and wry compilation of fourteen short stories. Terry and Mike are cousins whose families are almost seamlessly intertwined. Raised as close as brothers and living happy childhoods, neither one thinks of what can go wrong. But the unexpected deaths of both their fathers catapult their lives in two very different directions. Terry finds trouble with the law, while Mike lives his life racked with guilt and sadness. In her first book in four years… S. E. Hinton gives readers a gritty view of how one incident, one tragedy, affects two boys very differently, and changes their lives forever.”  –from

    I’ve always loved The Outsiders, and in fact I treasure a distinct memory of reading the whole book in one sitting for school in 6th grade, even though we’d been strenuously instructed not to read ahead of the single chapter we were assigned.  I did that a lot, but I was pretty good at playing dumb about the content of the rest of the books.  Anyway, though The Outsiders is dear to me, I’ve never read any of your other work.  Out of the blue I decided to change that, and picked up Some of Tim’s Stories.  I’m extremely glad I did.

    What a captivating little book!  I’m a sucker for connected-but-separate short stories, like the ones in this collection, and was drawn in at once by your plain, stark prose and by Mike and Terry’s personalities.  I mean, talk about craftsmanship. You really know how to spin a tale, weaving all the threads together and making it look easy, while still keeping it so blessedly simple.  Though the subject matter was sometimes poignant or saddening, these stories were really a treat.  You have a deft touch, and reading your work now was just as satisfying as when I read rebelliously ahead in The Outsiders some fifteen years ago.  Five stars.



    Wanna check out this title for yourself?  Try the Indie Bound or ABC bookstore finders!


    Tuesday, January 12, 2010

    I'm What Size?

    by Simply Salacious

    I like to streamline the process of acquiring sex.  Rather than succumb to the haphazardness of the hookup market, I retain an excess supply of love pumps by employing a reserve system keeping one man at a time to preserve simplicity.  This allows me to relax and go beyond what can be attained in a one night stand without all the complications of a privileged friendship or commitment.

    My current reserve is a 40 year old recently divorced man with children.  I call him The Chiropractor.  The Chiropractor and I met at a bar one night.  We hit it off quickly and headed back to my place.  The usual hookup activities ensued.  Clothes came off, intense kissing and foreplay all leading to the main event.  I knew after glancing at his naked body I was in for a treat.  A complete package:  Expert in the art of cunnilingus, chiseled body and hung.  This man had length *and* girth.  The Chiropractor pulls out his condom, and in his struggle to put it on, I assess the situation, access my stash and say, “Here try this.” He puts it on with ease and giving a satisfied look asks, “What is this?” I replied, “It’s a Magnum” and giggled at his shock.  ”I’m what size??” he echoed. “Yes, darling,” I said, “you are a hung man. Am I the first to tell you?”  The Chiropractor then went on to explain that no, no one ever informed him that he was large and he assumed condoms were just supposed to be difficult and fit like tunicates.  Now uncontrollably laughing I laid there naked astounded a man so gifted, so experienced could be so ignorant about the awesomeness of his penis.  When the laughter eventually ended, I experienced the extreme pleasure of that awesomeness over and over again.

    -Simply Salacious


    Thursday, January 7, 2010

    Miley Cyrus's Nubile Young Body On Display

    Isn’t 16 year old Miley Cyrus just adorable?  I’m sure every parent wants their teenage girl to look like this when they get paraded around in front of a hundred grown men with cameras.  Oh just in case you don’t recognize him, the creepy old guy posing with her, that’s not her sugar daddy, that’s her actual daddy, as in father, as in man that shouldn’t let his 16 year old daughter go out of the house dressed like that.


    now here’s her camel toe and yes Miley Cyrus ass is nude beneath that slinky dress

    image  image



    Tuesday, January 5, 2010

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    Sunday, January 3, 2010

    Diddy, Again...

    ::The Confused Nee-gro?::


    Remember when I told you Diddy was about to wife up Kim Porter and make ONE OF his baby mamas an honest woman?(“Some Lil’ Boys Really Do Grow Up…”)    Well that turned out to be a buncha b*s from the Diddy Camp!   

    Bossip reports that, like the shower scene in “Dallas”, it must have all been a  dream.   And here I was thinkin he was one of the good guys…  

    First off this nee-gro seems to be playin games at Kim and the kids’ expense.   Why would you tell the world that your goin’ to marry this woman, there’s a 12ct ring involved, and then act like you never said it?    

    As if thats not enuff, I guess he got tipsy and full of holiday cheer, coz about 3:30 AM on New Year’s Eve,  he tweeted: “Just married!”  Two hours later he tweets, “No I didn’t get married!!!!! Pls stop asking!!!”   

    Ain’t that a bytch! YOU put the word out, and then tell people to stop askin’??!   

    This Crunch-berry Beast (he NEVER was attractive to me in the least!) still couldn’t stop the madness! He decides to ‘officially‘ (on Twitter, again) address his relationship with Kim, by tweetin’:   

    “Attention all blogs-(you talkin to me, kid?)-Not getting married. Not engaged. Sorry. Where do yall get this stuff from?-(YOU, mofo!!)- Have a blessed night…”   

    I think this cat just likes the sound of his own voice, seeing his thoughts in print, and his name and pic in the press.   That does cause some people to say and do stupid things…look at Kanye.   

    What ever the case is, Kim: That would be a resounding NO if I were you.   

    Whenever the subject came up…   
